High Availability Solutions

Ensure Mission-Critical Systems Stay Online Under Any Circumstance

Keep Users Online 24x7

When backup and replication just isn't enough, there's Neverfail's Continuity Engine. Ensure users are continually connected to the systems and applications they depend on without missing a beat or experiencing data loss.

Eliminate Downtime

With application-aware technology that can detect anomalies, Neverfail will instantly failover systems to a secondary (or tertiary) site when an downtime event is detected. Limit recovery times to near-zero and prevent downtime altogether.

Save Time and Money

Not every application needs mission-critical data protection. Neverfail's SLA-based continuity can align protection with the urgency of data restoration so you never under protect a system or overpay for business continuity again. 

Talk to one of our continuity experts today. We'll find a solution that's the right fit for your needs and budget.

Go Beyond HA & Experience
True Continuous Availability

Most availability software will simply replicate data, but to provide continuous availability you have to protect the entire ecosystem, including: data, operating systems, applications, networks and user connectivity. Neverfail's Continuity Engine goes beyond replication with application-aware technology that proactively monitors the health and configuration of applications. If a failure event is detected, Continuity Engine will failover the server to the standby host before there is any impact to the user. When you’re ready to failback to production, it’s a simple push of a button. It’s time to go beyond HA and turn replication into true continuous availability.

Hear It From Our Customers

“Deploying and managing IT systems is Centurum’s business and for such highly regulated and crucial customers, there is no tolerance for downtime of any kind. Prior to Neverfail, we were essentially relying on luck to keep things running smoothly.”

-Perry Golden, Senior Systems Engineer, Centurum

"Before Neverfail, making the decision to failover to the secondary site was a tricky one. Now, the decision is simple; applications can be seamlessly transferred to the DR site in the event of an outage or even for ad-hoc maintenance work without disruption.”

-Lisa Corden, Head of Technology, J O Hambro Capital Management

Want to Learn More About Continuous Availability?

Download the white paper and see how Neverfail's Continuity Engine encompasses high availability, disaster recovery and continuous data protection all within a single platform.

Find Out How It Works with These Resources

Neverfail Continuity Engine

The only business continuity software to boast application-aware intelligence that can sense application failure proactively; initiating instant failover so downtime is mitigated before it happens.

Neverfail Continuity Engine: Technical White Paper

Understand how Neverfail Continuity Engine (CE) keeps critical applications and business services in the datacenter continuously running and operational 24/7

Neverfail Continuity Engine v8.5: New Features

Continuity Engine Version 8.5, with new features to increase the availability of applications in enterprises around the world

What Will Downtime Cost You?

While there is a large degree of variance, Gartner cites the average cost of downtime at $5,600/min. That's well over $300k/hour. Can you afford downtime?

Keep Your Business Online With The Right Continuity Solution

There is no one-size-fits-all for business continuity, but Neverfail's SLA-based continuity solutions can help tailor the right solution for you based on the criticality of each application in your business.

Ensure mission-critical IT systems meet recovery objectives of second to minutes with Neverfail's application-aware continuous/high availability software.

Manage explosive data growth and make long term retention and recovery of data affordable using Neverfail's data protection and deduplication appliance.

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Continuous Availability for Mission-Critical Applications

Download the White Paper to See How It Works

White paper cover for Neverfail's IT Continuity Management White Paper